LeRoy School – 4th Avenue
LeRoy School is an energized and friendly Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 school. We have a multi-cultural student body and multi-graded classrooms. Our current enrollment is 133 students.
Teachers have high expectations for work habits, attitudes and skill development. Students who experience difficulty meeting these expectations will be given support through program adaptations, accommodations, differentiation and learning resource room support. LeRoy School provides a full range of courses to meet the needs of students attending our school. To supplement courses offered at LeRoy School or to meet the special interests of individual students, Horizon School Division has developed and administers a wide range of distance learning courses.
To enhance the educational experience of our students, we maintain a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities and clubs. Some examples are: SRC (Student Representative Council), SADD (Students Against Drinking and Driving), Envirothon (A provincial science competition team), Drama, and Sports such as curling, volleyball, bowling, golf, badminton, track & field, basketball, etc.
In addition to LeRoy School based staff, we have consultants and counselors to fulfill needs in the areas of personal and career counselling, speech and language therapy, educational psychology, student service coordination for intensive needs, driver education, e-learning technology, and computer technology. These professionals visit our school on a regular basis to provide the very best services and support to all of our students.
LeRoy School and our School Community Council work hand in hand to facilitate our Learning Improvement Plan. This initiative focuses on goals that support literacy, math and student well-being. Together we promote healthy nutrition through the facilitation of hot lunches, a milk program, a breakfast and snack program, a fluoride mouth rinse program and education programs.
LeRoy is an In Motion community so our school and SCC promote physical activity opportunities on a regular basis for our students. We work to keep our playground clean and safe. We also work together to provide a multitude of opportunities to our students through various presentations. Some of the previous presentations have focused on healthy lifestyles and choices, career opportunities, motivational messages, anti-bullying campaigns, arts and cultural performances, field trips, literacy and safety.
Our school has access to a team of health and community development professionals as well. We have liaisons that work through public health, dental health, RCMP, Carlton Trail Community College, and Partners for Rural Support, and Safe Communities. As new initiatives or needs are identified, we actively search for additional and specific connections to support each situation.
LeRoy School is part of the Horizon School Division
For more information or to register your child please call:
- Sarah Dale, Principal or
- Tracey Muller, Secretary
- # 306-286-3313